- American Public Health Associationwww.apha.org
- Home Care Association of Americawww.hcaoa.org
- Health Finderwww.healthfinder.gov
- National Institutes of Healthwww.health.nih.gov
- U.S. Department of Health & Human Serviceswww.hhs.gov
Community Resources
Agency on Aging (Cumberland County)
1100 Claremont Rd Carlisle, PA 17015 -
Center for Independent Living (Cumberland County)
207 House Ave Camp Hill, PA 17011 -
Aging and Disability Resource Center (Cumberland County)
1100 Claremont Road Carlisle, PA 17015-8560 -
Agency on Aging (Dauphin County)
2 S. 2nd Street Harrisburg, PA 17101 -
Center for Independent Living (Dauphin County)
207 House Avenue Camp Hill, PA 17011 -
Aging and Disability Resource Center (Dauphin County)
2 S. 2nd Street Harrisburg, PA 17101 -
Agency on Aging (Juniata County)
249 West 3rd Street Lewistown, PA 17044 -
Center for Independent Living (Juniata County)
207 House Avenue Camp Hill, PA 17011 -
Aging and Disability Resource Center (Juniata County)
249 West 3rd Street Lewistown, PA 17044 -
Agency on Aging (Lancaster County)
For public housing, must be 55 or older or disabled
Phone: 717-240-6110 Alt Phone: 800-697-0371
Phone: 866-286-3636
A federal program that helps adults 55 and over meet their healthcare needs in the community.
Alzheimer’s Helpline-Dauphin
Phone: 800-272-3900
Consumer Product Safety Commission-Dauphin
Phone: 800-638-2772
Hearing Aid Helpline
Phone: 800-521-5247
Phone: 800-537-8862
Social Security Administration
Phone: 800-772-1213 Alt Phone: 800-325-0778 (TTY)
Veterans Outreach Center
Salvation Army
Camp Hill, PA 17011 717-731-1900 -
Aging and Disability Resource Center (Perry County)
315 Keystone Way New Bloomfield, PA 17068 717-582-5128 -
Agency on Aging (Schuylkill County)
110 E Laurel Blvd. Pottsville, PA 17901 -
Center for Independent Living (Schuylkill County)
8 West Broad Street, Suite 228 Hazleton, PA 18201 -
Aging and Disability Resource Center (Schuylkill County)
110 E Laurel Blvd. Pottsville, PA 17901 -
Agency on Aging (York County)
100 W Market St York, PA 17401 -
Center for Independent Living (York County)
127 W Market St., Suite 100 York, PA 17401 -
Aging and Disability Resource Center (York County)
100 W Market St York, PA 17401 -
Additional Resources Dauphin Counties MidPenn Legal Services
213-A North Front Street Harrisburg, PA 17101 -
Legal issues handled:
Consumer (includes credit card issues)
Family (includes custody and protection from abuse)
Housing (includes landlord/tenant, subsidized housing, foreclosure, and public utilities)
Financial eligibility is determined by income, assets, and family size.
Income limits are set at 125% of the Federal Poverty Level, except in cases of protection from abuse. If you qualify, attorney services are free.
Dauphin County Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service
213 N Front Street Harrisburg, PA 17101 http://www.dcba-pa.org/Community%20Service%20Programs/LawyerReferral.aspx-
Does not have a consultation fee agreement
See http://palawhelp.org/PA/index.cfm for background information regarding your particular legal issue
Pennsylvania SeniorLAW Helpline Legal Resources Directory
Updated 4/2012 52
Child custody
Child and spousal support
Protection from abuse
Other domestic matters
Eligibility guidelines: on a case-by-case basis
Fees: none
Contact: 717-243-2968
Victim/Witness Assistance Program
Dauphin County Courthouse 101 Market Street Harrisburg, PA 17101888-292-9611 (toll-free)
717-780-7075 (local)
717-780-7079 (fax)
717.780.8052 (After Hours Emergency Pager)
Courtroom Orientation
Creditor/Employer/School Intercession
Crisis Intervention
Child Care and Transportation
Victim Witness Notification & Intimidation
Homicide Support Group
Inmate Release Notification
Housing Authority of the County of Dauphin
501 Mohn Street Steelton, PA 17113717-939-9301 (phone)
717-939-7947 (fax)
Accessible facilities for people with disabilities
Administers federal housing subsidy program
Center for Independent Living (Lancaster County)
941 Wheatland Avenue, Suite 201 Lancaster, PA 17603 -
Aging and Disability Resource Center (Lancaster County)
150 N Queen Street Lancaster, PA 17603 -
Agency on Aging (Lebanon County)
710 Maple Street, Second Floor Lebanon, PA 1706 -
Center for Independent Living (Lebanon County)
941 Wheatland Avenue, Suite 201 Lancaster, PA 17603 -
Aging and Disability Resource Center (Lebanon County)
710 Maple Street, Second Floor Lebanon, PA 1706 -
Agency on Aging (Northumberland County)
322 N Second Street Sunbury, PA 17801 -
Center for Independent Living (Northumberland County)
24 East Third Street Williamsport, PA 17701 -
Aging and Disability Resource Center (Northumberland County)
322 N Second Street Sunbury, PA 17801 -
Agency on Aging (Perry County)
315 Keystone WayNew Bloomfield, PA 17068 717-582-5128
Center for Independent Living (Perry County)
207 House Avenue, Suite 107, Camp Hill, PA 17011